Events and Activities Through GMB50

Too few military families feel a sense of belonging to their communities. According to the Blue Star Families Annual Survey, only 30 percent of active-duty family respondents feel a sense of belonging to their local civilian community.

VTNGCF strengthens that connection with special events, programs, and professional development opportunities through the non-profit, volunteer committee, Green Mountain Boys 50 (GMB50).

The GMB50 is made up of 50 community leaders who have been selected as Honorary Commanders each aligned with a military leader within the Vermont National Guard.

GMB50 serves both the military and civilian communities of Vermont by promoting and advocating for sustainable growth and quality of life that provides long-term stability to military members and their families.

Official speech
GMB50 soldiers by the plane

Participate in Activities and Events

If youʼre a service member interested in participating in GMB50 events or joining the committee, contact

Keep These Experiences Going for Military Families

To support and help make these events possible visit our donate page and select “Green Mountain Boys 50.”